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Advocates Against Romance Scams: The My Voice Campaign

February 11, 2024
min read
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Be Heard, Be Empowered: Join the Fight Against Romance Scams with the My Voice Campaign

Online romance promises connection, warmth, and maybe even love. Unfortunately, it can also become a breeding ground for deception and financial exploitation through romance scams. These scams, often sophisticated and emotionally manipulative, leave victims feeling devastated, both financially and emotionally.

But there's hope.

Advocating Against Romance Scams (AARS), a dedicated non-profit organization, is fighting back and giving victims a voice through their impactful My Voice Campaign.

Advocating Against Romance Scammers is there to support

What is the My Voice Campaign?

The My Voice Campaign provides a safe, anonymous platform for victims of romance scams and identity theft to share their stories. By completing a simple "My Voice" card, you can recount your experience, detailing the emotional and financial impact of the scam.

Why is it important?

Your voice matters. Sharing your story through the My Voice Campaign serves several crucial purposes:

  • Raises awareness: Personal stories paint a vivid picture of the human cost of romance scams, urging others to be vigilant and avoid becoming victims.
  • Influences policymakers: The collected data from "My Voice" cards are presented to legislators, advocating for stronger regulations and holding platforms accountable for preventing scams.
  • Empowers victims: Sharing your experience can be a powerful step towards healing and reclaiming your power. You are not alone, and your voice can lead to positive change.

How can you participate?

Participating in the My Voice Campaign is easy and completely anonymous. Here's how:

  1. Find a participating organization: Visit the AARS website (https://advocatingforu.com/) or contact them directly to find a participating organization near you.
  2. Request a "My Voice" card: These organizations will guide you through the process and ensure your anonymity.
  3. Share your story: Fill out the card detailing your experience with the scam and its impact.
  4. Make a difference: Your voice, along with others', will be compiled and presented to policymakers, promoting vital change.
My Voice Card

The Fight Continues

The My Voice Campaign is just one piece of the puzzle in combatting romance scams. AARS also offers extensive resources for victims, including:

  • Educational materials: Learn how to identify and avoid romance scams.
  • Support helpline: Connect with experienced volunteers for emotional support and guidance.
  • Community forum: Connect with other victims and share your experiences in a safe space.

Remember, you are not alone. By joining the My Voice Campaign and supporting organizations like AARS, we can collectively raise awareness, empower victims, and work towards a safer online environment for everyone.

Additional Resources:

Together, let's silence the scammers and amplify the voices of victims.

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